What's more K thesis just an average really dollar UK love you bro down to maybe not well overthree hundred dollars not million you know our action clauses fire mom for it I'll then mean we're talkingyour car can mean that you SlimGenix Pro park in the alley here check out not much percy a year a year yes it is your think I'm out here well you know I'll by are about a thousand dollars themolecular 2000 dollars on amor in Soho maybe now we're startingto help rent a utility and then you know otherbills that way inch dynamic Harris time it is nottwenty three hundred dollars 3 three thousand dollars a a year K well actually is an income that me people make in there everyday what you know like if you're doing somethinglike fast food or you know or you section is for someoneyeah now for you also play yeah yellow/black me yeah 823 avenues for my E or now and average for moonlight okay ass we're looking at nowover five thousand dollars a month and night extra income there I'm and sure diet okay 104 thousand dollars I'm here is that average income foraction and then President Joe numbers get kindacrazy 190 three thousand dollars into outreach an ambassador over a half million dollars a year it that hey it's%uh back we're 30 32 years now have a nice 30 if you were to and.
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