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Panamanian white faced capuchin monkey

The Panamanian white-faced capuchin:The Panamanian white-faced capuchin (Cebus imitator), also known as the Panamanian white-headed capuchin or Central American white-faced capuchin, is a medium-sized New World monkey of the family Cebidae, subfamily Cebinae. Native to the forests of Central America, the white-faced capuchin is important to rainforest ecology for its role in dispersing seeds and pollen.

Among the best known monkeys, the Panamanian white-faced Capuchin is recognized as the typical companion to the organ grinder. In recent years the species has become popular in North American media, particularly in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series. It is a highly intelligent monkey and has been trained to assist paraplegic persons. It is a medium-sized monkey, weighing up to 3.9 kg (8.6 lb). It is mostly black, but with a pink face and white on much of the front part of the body, giving it its common name. It has a distinctive prehensile tail that is often carried coiled up and is used to help support the monkey when it is feeding beneath a branch.

Panamanian white-faced Capuchin monkey Behavior:


White-faced Capuchins are highly social and very playful, a study led by UCLA professor of anthropology Susan Perry reveals that older, sociable capuchins are prone to inventing more new types of social behaviors, many of which seem to function either as tests of friendship or displays against enemies. Other behaviors the researchers observed involved games, new ways to interact with infants and novel forms of sexual interaction.

A group of captive of white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus) was observed in the absence and in the presence of four different types of deep litter: woodchips, dried ground corncob, woodwool and garden peat. In addition to baseline and litter phases, food (grain) was scattered either on the bare floor or on the litter, which was spread across the floor of a large indoor room. Behaviour was affected in different ways by the litters. Woodwool and peat had the largest range of positive effects, including in use of the floor area and in manipulatory foraging activity. The ground corncob was associated with some negative effects and the monkeys avoided using this substrate. Positive behavioural changes were also recorded when grain was scattered on the bare floor or on litter. Apart from some increases in social contacts in the presence of the two most effective litters, social behaviour was relatively unaffected by the provision of litter.


Panamanian white-faced capuchin monkey diet:

The Panamanian white-faced capuchin is a diurnal and arboreal animal. However, it does come down to the ground more often than many other New World monkeys. It moves primarily by walking on all four limbs. It lives in troops, or groups, of up to 40 monkeys (mean 16, range 4–40)and has a male/female adult sex ratio of 0.71 on average (range 0.54–0.88). With rare exceptions, females spend their entire lives with their female kin. Males migrate to new social groups multiple times during the course of their lifetimes, migrating for the first time between 20 months and 11 years of age. The median age of migration in the Santa Rosa population is 4.5 years. Males sometimes migrate alone, but more often they migrate in the company of other males who are often their kin. One of the unusual features of the kinship structure of the Panamanian white-faced capuchin, relative to other primate species, is the high degree of relatedness within groups that results from the long tenures of alpha males who sire most of the offspring.


In the wild:

In the wild scenario, a Capuchin Monkey eats bugs, fruits, small birds, nuts, flowers etc. Their natural diet in captivity in very necessary and every pet owner must be aware of the diet plan for their pet. The favorite practice of the capuchin is mimicking. The improper diet plan causes numerous diseases, despite many pet owner know this very well that improper nutrition is very dangerous for the species even when they performed huge negligence.    Capuchins are kept as pets intake various foods including table food, baby food, and monkey chow but it should be a regular blood screening done to closely monitor blood glucose levels and cholesterol, just like humans.

Capuchin monkeys are Omnivores, eating not only fruits, flowers, nuts, seeds, and buds, but also spiders, insects, bird eggs and small vegetables. They can also eat small mammals. They need a varied and healthy diet. In the fruit scarcity season, the monkey keen to eat a greater proportion of insects.

Capuchin love to live near the water will also eat crabs and shellfish. they crack their shells with stones. When young Capuchin are learning to feed independently, big trees are out of their reach they wait to be carried into large trees to get some fruit by experienced adults.


Panamanian white-faced Capuchin Monkey Care:

Caring a Capuchin baby is not rocket science but it does, require a lot of time, patience, and commitment. I can share here with my experience raising a baby of the capuchin monkey.

If your baby capuchin is not already wearing diapers then training should begin as soon as you bring him home. Diapers should be applied on the back of the monkey. Monkeys behave like a kids and they remove such diapers if the tabs or pin is easily reachable to them.

Before you decide to buy them, you have to check whether you would have enough financial resources to maintain the capuchin. These monkeys are required care like little children and you should be able to take accurate care of them, remember keeping an exotic pet comes with a more responsibilty.


Panamanian white-faced Capuchin Monkey Reproduction:

The Panamanian white-faced capuchin uses a polygamous mating system in which a male may mate with multiple females. Although the dominant male does not monopolize breeding, studies have shown that the dominant male does tend to father most of the young. Although a female may mate with several males, the dominant male may be more likely to copulate when the female is at peak fertility. Nonetheless, there is evidence that dominant males do tend to avoid breeding with their own daughters who are members of the troop. Such avoidance is rare among New World primates.


Copulation takes about 2 minutes, and the gestation period is 5 to 6 months. Usually a single young is born, but twins occur occasionally. Most births occur during the dry season from December to April. The infant is carried across its mother’s back for about 6 weeks. After about 4 to 5 weeks it can stray from its mother for brief periods and by about 3 months it can move around independently, although some infants will be mostly independent earlier. Weaning occurs between 6 and 12 months. While the mother rests, the young spends most of its time foraging or playing, either on its own or with other juveniles.[40] Capuchins engage in high levels of alloparenting, in which monkeys other than the mother help care for the infant.Infants are carried by alloparents most often between 4 and 6 weeks in age. Males as well as females engage in alloparenting.


Like other capuchin species, the Panamanian white-faced capuchin matures slowly. Sexual maturity can be reached at 3 years.[59] But on average, females give birth for the first time at 7 years old and give birth every 26 months thereafter.[13] Males attain reproductive maturity at 10 years old.[13] The Panamanian white-faced capuchin has a long life span given its size. The maximum recorded life span in captivity is over 54 years.


Panamanian white-faced Capuchin Monkey Facts:

Capuchin loves the mosquito season. these monkeys catch the millipedes and crush them up. This acts as natural insects repellent. Their hand is similar to the human hand. The thumbs and big toes of the Capuchin Monkey are opposable to the other fingers and toes.


Capuchin monkeys are giving birth to humans. Such as they are very closely related to their species, as well as apes such as chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas. Accordingly many comparisons exist between humans and monkeys in terms of pregnancy labor and the delivery of the newborn.


Requirements before owning a white-faced Capuchin Monkey:

In addition to prohibitions and restrictions on exotic pet ownership, the majority of countries and states have some sort of permit, license, or registration requirement to possess certain animals.


CITES Permit

The health certificate 2 years warranty (Vet certificate)

Veterinary Record certificate

The transfer of ownership certificate.

Sales contract Certified by the Board of Livestock here.

The test of tuberculosis, Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter

The test of influenza A, tularemia, and malaria



$7,000.00 (USD) is the full purchase price for a Panamanian White-faced Capuchin monkey of either sex. Paperwork included.



4 months old   $7,000.00


4 months old   $7,000.00

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-panamanian white-faced capuchin for sale

-panamanian white faced capuchin adaptations

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