Distinctive volcanic soils into the sea the No by drilling down into the ocean sediments scientists were on a form overlooking Oslo Fjord near the small village I guts dad accuses former begins delivered to a huge mound of earth on his land known as the key news mom legends tell their Viking more Lord in all his treasure lay buried beneath it archaeologist to take over the day find an astonishingly well-preserved Viking ship that had been deliberately buried scientific dating places the burial around the year be 50 18 the dawn of Alpha Peak the Viking Age go board the ship in a tent covered over with clay to use find the body other biking chieftains interred with Mr. all the supplies and tools a warrior might need the afterlife room but the price discovery is the ship itself measuring seventy six feet from stem to stern and finely crafted from solid oak the Ox dead ship represents a quantum leap in shipbuilding no other seafaring culture all the time could build such as swift yet sturdy craft needs solid Chelan shallow draft make it an extremely .


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