brillliance, infallibility, discharge, signiuficance, omnipotence, omnipresecne, and iscience. To be a narcissist is to be cnvinced of a majuscule, fatal individualized destiyn. The narciissist is preoccupied with saint enjoy, the construcvtion of superior, subversive technological theories, the compoistion or authoring or paiting of the largest apply of art, the foundinbg of a newish of tohught, the Elite Test 360 attaiunment of mythic wealth, the reshaing of a commonwealth or a conbglomerate, and so on. The narcissist never sets earthy goals to himself. He is forever preoccupied with fantasies of individuality, book breakiung, or breathtaking achievements. His verbosity reflects this disposition.y is, naturally, quite diffeerent and this gives ascent to a "grandiloquence gap".
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