There is no "magic number" of vaccinations required to protect your puppy. The number of vaccines has nothing to do with it. When a puppy is born, its body is unable to manufacture antibodies to protect it. Instead, they are protected by the colostrum in their mother's milk, just the same as human babies are. The mother's own immunity is passed on to her babies, protecting them until it wears off. How much colostrum a puppy dog shirts gets depends on its birth order and aggressiveness in nursing. Every nine days, the antibody level drops in half. At a certain level, it is no longer enough to protect the puppy from illness. The problem is knowing when to vaccinate the puppy, because the mother's antibodies will attack and destroy the vaccine as though it were an actual infection. There is a window of vulnerability where the mother's antibody isn't strong enough to fight infection, but is still too strong for a vaccine to be effective. This is when most puppies contract Parvo.

Exactly when a Vaccine will "take" varies even among puppies from the same litter. This is why we vaccinate puppies in a series of shots. Vaccinations given more frequently than 2 weeks will cause the same interference as the maternal antibody and render the vaccine ineffective.


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