Welcome to Our K9, Buy the best remote training collar for dogs, we offer the best vibration collar, bark collar for small dogs at affordable price. We also provide oral hygiene for dogs. Contact us now.
Cee Cee (Shunoddle ex caged breeding dog rescued and is doing amazingly well) Teal (Ultrasonic and Vibration) She's a very nervous rescue and had adapted to the collar within a few hours... It has made her a lot less skittish
Cozzie (Bitsa) He's another rescued seasoned street dog a constant barker but gentle dog. He also has an Ultrasonic Collar, Moonstone. Cozzie has turn out to be the most loving dog you could hope for.
Billy (Foxy) Little Billy was thrown over our wall when she was a couple of weeks old... Very feisty little dog, always has a lot to say, and if anyone else barks she starts without fail... She wears a Cherry collar and alternate between mild shock and vibration, if she works out that the collar is on vibration she will bark so we switch back to a very mild shock...
Biscuit (Jack Russell) Was given to us because he had so many medical issues, and allergies, scratching and hair falling etc... We give him local unpasteurized honey every day and he is 100% better... But a Very Determined Barker and Constantly on Guard Duty, He wears the Purple Collar On Middle-Level Shock...
Budda Our incredibly lazy Bulldog, He was found in a cage with 3 others, we took in two but unfortunately his little brother Bubba passed away, currently in the process of building a treadmill for Budda... He wears the Mauve Collar because he thinks his job is to wake the whole neighborhood up...
Henretta Is our latest addition, she once again a long time street dog, she is a Thai Ridgeback. Unfortunately she went blind and almost deaf and walked out onto the road and got hit by a car, the surgeons rebuilt her hips and now she is starting her recovery.
Bruiser we got him because he could not be controlled by his owners. He was basically chained up 24 hours a day 7 days a week. And they wondered was he was constantly misbehaving. Since joining our pack he has quietened down although still boisterous, he does try and curb his exsuberance when playing with the little ones.
Cosmo is an incredibly loving crazy larrikin... This is remarkable because he had spent all his life on the streets trying to survive. When he was rescued his coat was just one huge matted mess. He loves doing high fives and a crazy dance which makes everyone laugh. He is a bit of a loner but does tolerate the puppies even when they are jumping all over him.
Henry & Teddy came as a joint deal. Their owner booked an appointment at the vets for a check-up. And never returned to pick them up. They asked the vet to look after them until they return. ONE YEAR LATER the Vet decided only then to rehome them. So they both spent a year in a cage in the vets. They are brothers, Henry being 6 years old and Teddy being 4 years old. Henry likes a little bit of affection But Teddy demands it...
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