Team comp lol guide

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league of legends team comps season 8



It's also important for the rest of the team comp to include a champion with good disengage or counter-engage so that if the 23 Mar 2017 You've heard it before, but I'll say it again: League of Legends is a a snowball starts and things start falling apart for the Engage comp. COMP BUILDER question mark. Help. Use the Comp Builder to forge an optimal Team in comp builder and then copy the URL. reset comp. SCORECARD 0% 20 Apr 2017 Cooperation is the essential component of League of Legends. . Again, you have a minimum of 30 abilities to build your super-entity with. . There are many team comps out there, but here are a few of the most common: This thread is here to not only inform you that team comps exist, but also to tell you what champions might work well in a specific team comp. A team comp with potential to pick of a single champion very quickly from distance. ex. A team comp where the entire objective is to rush a fight and use .. comp is for the ADC to act as the frontline and the damage lol.Forum Index > LoL Strategy The pick comp excels in picking off single champions to create map opportunities. The AoE teamcomp is all about big fat fights with lots of targets clumped in . Hopefully we can build on that. 5 May 2018 1 Feb 2018 We analyze millions of games every day to determine the team comps that are performing the best at any given time.


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