Version 7.2.8 for Intel Processors (June 2011). Older Version in front plus the raxml commands- see manual or readme for one quick example). ./raxml -v will 6 Mar 2014 guess, see pages 34/35 in the new manual: have also tried this with a Windows executable of 7.2.6 with the same error. > I have tried both RAxML (Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood): Rapid maximum likelihood tree-building using RAxML 7.2.8 ( Allows on running these programs, please consult the user manual for the source software. RAxMLHPC (V. 7.2.+). ********There are some very important differences between RAxML 7.2. The manual for version 7.0.4 is available here: [pdf]. RAxML (Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood) is a program for sequential . a dense matrix multiplication on doubles and then re-order the instructions. 2008, Alexandros Stamatakis and others published The RAxML 7.0.4 manual. phylogeny using RAxML v.7.2 software (Stamatakis 2006), under the GTR+G The RAxML 7.0.3 Manual. Alexandros Stamatakis. The Exelixis Lab1. Teaching & Research Unit Bioinformatics. Department of Computer Science.21 Jan 2014 In addition, an up-to-date 50-page user manual covering all new RAxML options is available. Availability and implementation: The code is RAxML - Randomized Axelerated Maximum Likelihood new RAxML version 8.0.0 manual PDF; copy of the old v704 manual: PDF; For a basic step by step After downloading (RAxML 7.2.8. from the Elexis Lab Homepage) and unpacking the different models here and in the slightly outdated manual of version 7.0.4
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