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12 Apr 2018 Job instruction training (JIT) is a systematic, fast, and effective method for teaching your workers to do a job correctly and safely. This method of training workers through a simple breakdown of steps is easy to understand and complete. Job Instruction Training – The 4-Step Instruction Method. The instructor should follow these steps as he teaches the team member how to do the job: Step 1 1 May 2017 Job Instruction is designed to develop basic stability and consistency of your The method is essentially broken down into four steps:. 23 Jan 2018 How to Instruct. Step 1: Prepare the Worker: Put him at ease. State the job and find out what he already knows about it. Step 2: Present the Operation. Tell, show, and illustrate one IMPORTANT STEP at a time. Step 3: Try Out Performance. Have him do the job, correct errors. Step 4: Follow Up. Put him on his own. Please try the existing job instruction methods material and test their Have team member explain each MAJOR STEP AND KEY POINT as job is done again. During this course the student will gain a full understanding of the four step Job Instruction method, be able to use it for training employees to perform job tasks, Abstract—The four steps of job instruction training are prepare, present, try out, and follow up. Preparation by the supervisor or instructor is for motivation of the Effective job instruction is critical in every business to ensure that the products Job Instruction is a four-step method that teaches an individual how to do a job5 Jun 2015 Job Instruction Training: A Step-by-Step Guide. This guide describes Job Instruction Training (JIT), a relatively simple, one-to-one training technique that consists of these steps: (1) Get ready to instruct, (2) Prepare the learner, (3) Present the learning, (4) Try out learner performance, and (5) Follow up.
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