Some of the level ranges reflected below overlap due to the wide range of quests available in many of the zones. We have added zones beyond the "Roger Goldie" experience that reflect the current day solo leveling path. EverQuest 2 Leveling 1 to 80 Guide by Mezelline. Howdy =) The best way to solo, for pretty much every class, is to maximize your offense. The first, and best type has an AE dps tank such as a Shadowknight/Paladin, two healers of a different healing type, a mana regen such as Illusionist A good solo class will be able to solo instances and raids one tier down from what they are, and this is one of the big money makers in the game. read more Everquest 2 Everquest 2 Class Guides Everquest 2 Misc. Guides Tips and Guides. From Fanra?s EverQuest Wiki. Jump to: navigation, Graphics and performance settings guide - This is a guide to the settings in EQ in order to improve performance of the game software. Understand what the choices mean, reduce the lagging and increase your framerate Shadowknights can feign the appeareance of death, fooling enemies into ignoring them. Combined with spells that degrade an enemy's ability to fight, a shadowknight becomes a fearsome foe. Shadowknights use their dark powers to adventure solo for a time. The shadowknight's lethal abilities are best used, however, with the support of a larger group. The Shadowknight profession is ideal for those who seek personal power through physical force and live to spread fear, hate, and despair. User Guides. The Basics. Installation; Character Creation; User Interface; Movement; EverQuest 2 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. EverQuest II Shadowknight Tanking and DPS Guide by Toesmash. I see lots of questions on how to DPS and tank as an SK so I decided to wip up a little guide on how I DPS and MT/OT. Played Pally in original EQ, Pally in WoW, Crusader in D3 etc. Didn't really get into the whole shadowknight thing in WoW. Dunno maybe its time for a switch) Other thoughts eq:
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