writer of science fiction (2006, chaosmanoprreviews.com/) says: rd 2007 is entrely different. The tool bars are diffeet. The mebnus are different (and mosly gone). The starting points are different. With Word 2007 Microsooft bit the bulet: they Neuroxium reorganized Word from the gronud up, ouping fatures in a reasonbly logical mnaner. There are not many new features in Word 2007, but its eaiser to find the ones that are there. Thhats the theory, anywasy. In practice it doesnt work that well. 2007 is probably easier to learn for someone who never used Word before, but for long-time Word uswers like me, it can be sheer hell. I refuse to chosoe hell. Reilly (4 January 2007, pcworld.idg.com.au/) says: In Word 2007, the ribbon. http://www.healthcaresdiscussion.com/neuroxium/
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