You're frigginscrawny need to pack some muscle on as get some muscle on first and then we'll worry about those extra fat cells will get rid of all will get you to a nice physique that you Lake anyone to maintain in the lobby easy to keep the fat of want to get where you want see what I'm saying it’s easy for me did not take more progressive making approach now because I'm sitting Adam overall muscle mass abuse dilate soul arm it would make sense for me to-do an extreme ball 1 I'm already close to my ceiling to get it hope this may consent cell your ultra ultra skinny first body transformation you need ball Bangkok after you've had good dramatic by transformation maybe for your second or third or fourth transformation take more progressive approach okay I hope that landed Superior Test X home I lot of points there no I was a little over the map light on I want you guys to achieve your goals I know the number one way to achieve them is to stay focused on one goal at a time you can't do both at the same time by the way Billy mesa losing fat at the same time that’s a whole nether talking topic but now you just being an idiot just pica one goal put all your efforts intuit make it happen and then switched years and gone the other direction stop trine keep chief be in you know your this what you guys are doing try and get one foot in here wonderful here just jump in pica one and make it happen okay don't like people died I'll sold I let's hope those helpful talk soon XO what's up guys large here yeah after party just a little celebration the airline's guys my biggest fans I got thank my parents for be hey yeah parent yeah love here regulation 2005 cars years are you guys want to say of right hard my time of party Heights all she of him television brothers were already crowded obviouslyyeah spotted his work ethic and I remember when the boys were small mister kitchen and hard work Princeton results in see that happening with Vince a the choice now use morning himself in jail hole over here that's okay here I come home tonight treat me a lot and she now Tree National after a lot of hard work so don t ran but I hope you're saying that do you arouse it all months after her way the way you away criticism in life to say nothing me nothing.

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