Binaural Beats Downloads - Incredible Deep Meditation With a Set of Stereo Headphones

Always meditate in a comfortable position to you. Flow State Training Program Review  This is a common mistake people make, when they are first starting out. Beginners usually believe you have to meditate in the cross-legged position. Believe me, when I say, this is an advanced position and should not be adapted by beginners. Your legs need to be very tender and flexible to sit in this position for longer periods. If you're uncomfortable, then your mind will be awfully distracted. Instead, sit in a comfortable chair, sit with your legs straight or any position that you feel totally comfortable with.

Begin by relaxing yourself. Before you start your initial meditation session, you should first relax for 5-10 minutes. So, when does one know he/she is ready for meditation? When you're relaxed and your mind is filled with random thoughts, which you don't pay any attention to, you know you're ready. This is the state where your "mind is wandering". However, this is just the opposite of meditation, so lets get to it.

Always meditate on your breath. This is one the greatest techniques ever invented for meditation. This technique, when done right, will empty your mind of all thoughts and prevents your mind from wandering. Focus only on your breath, in and out. When you're breathing in, feel the life-force fill your lungs, rejuvenating your entire body. Then breathe out. Do this every morning, for about 10 minutes. Then work your way up all the way to 30 minutes.

Patience and discipline. Rome was not built in a day, and neither will your spiritual path unfold in one day.
This road is filled with so many joys and revelations, that it would be a huge mistake, to try to rush things through. He who has patience, will make the fastest progress of all.

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