The most effective six pack workout is one that focuses mainly onMuscle Rev Xtreme contracting the abdominal and nothing else. This brings us to the old fashioned sit up. Sit ups are an okay six pack workout but they have a lot of wasted motion in them. It is not necessary to sit all the way up and touch your elbow to your knee. Your abdominal muscle is fully contracted when your shoulders are five to six inches off the ground. After that you aren't really working out the abdominal at all. This is where crunches come in. Crunches are like half sit ups where you only come up about half way and then go back down. You can also use weights by either holding onto a barbell plate while doing them or use one of the crunch machines at the gym. But the bad news is that you can do crunches forever and still not see a six pack. You might actually have a six pack but it won't show up as long as you have a layer of fat covering it up. It requires more than a good six pack workout to look shredded. That is why you have to eat right and do some cardio to burn off that extra fat. This will not only give you that six pack that you are after but give you a lean ripped muscle look too. For more tips on getting that muscular look, see my resource below.
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